D&AD – My submission

So here it is my project as I submitted it on D&AD’s website. Again, I have chosen the Pentagram brief, which asks to make 3 special editions for the Typographic Circle, on 3 designers that gave talks there. I represented each one in a circle.

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Conclusion (D&AD)

For this project I had to come up really fast with a good concept, as the final minor project and the dissertation were running at the same time. My concept was to represent/visualise each one of the designers in a circle. For the finals I chose to represent Anthony Burrill in a colourful circle as his work is really simple, bright and colourful, Bruno Maag in a measuring kitchen tool as he loves cooking and Stefan Sagmeister in a drop of blood as his work sometimes looks really extreme. I feel there are a lot of improvements that can be made on how I represented each designer and I should also give a hint on the slipcase or on the cover of each publication about the name of each one. I would also improve the quality of paper, as the slipcase requires thicker paper and the print bureau doesn’t provide the paper I would like to use. In this case my dummy for the slipcase has a better feel than the final one! If this project has a potential to enter the competition, I would like to join with a lot of improvements of course.