Conclusion (D&AD)

For this project I had to come up really fast with a good concept, as the final minor project and the dissertation were running at the same time. My concept was to represent/visualise each one of the designers in a circle. For the finals I chose to represent Anthony Burrill in a colourful circle as his work is really simple, bright and colourful, Bruno Maag in a measuring kitchen tool as he loves cooking and Stefan Sagmeister in a drop of blood as his work sometimes looks really extreme. I feel there are a lot of improvements that can be made on how I represented each designer and I should also give a hint on the slipcase or on the cover of each publication about the name of each one. I would also improve the quality of paper, as the slipcase requires thicker paper and the print bureau doesn’t provide the paper I would like to use. In this case my dummy for the slipcase has a better feel than the final one! If this project has a potential to enter the competition, I would like to join with a lot of improvements of course.

Conclusion (Final Minor Project)

I found myself enjoying this project throughout the process. Especially when remembering my experiment with the strings in my room and how much it annoyed me every time I was entering my room, I feel I engaged really well with the subject. For this project I have done things that I’ve never done, like when I went to places and stayed still for in one location for one hour and tried to record everything. This made me enter a different mechanism and it also allowed me to go out of my sketchbook and my computer screen and engage with a place. Although, I feel there are improvements to be made on how the viewer perceive what I am trying to communicate. As the project stems from a personal excitement, it’s obvious that it can turn off the audience, that’s why I was trying to communicate to the public my project in the form of billboards and not keep it as a complete personal project. Now the project is finished on the wall I feel it came out well, although I would like to make some improvements on the paper and look more carefully at the bits where I have white letters on black background.

Updated proposal


The starting point of this project is a trip to Belgium, but more generally my excitement for recording and mapping. I’m interested in mapping, not only in the means of location but also of experiences. The environment we are in is always influenced by thoughts and experiences, which form an idea and a sense we have for each place.

Context and audience

The project fits within the context of graphic design and visual communication as it engages with mapping and also due to collecting information and categorising them. Experimentation includes mapping my movements in my room with strings, like Duchamp’s ‘Mile of String’. I am really intrigued by the idea of recording my experiences and observations while being still in location, with a notebook and a pen, for the period of one hour. Experiences shall be collected determined by parameters such as time, place, thoughts, observations and anything I digest in a place for an hour. For the final stage of the project I shall communicate extracts from these texts to the public, in the form of public intervention by placing them on rotating light boxes. Sometimes the texts create poetic phrases, and as poetry moves, the rotating effect will have more impact. By reading this on the tube or anywhere else, the public will get interrupted, start noticing things that didn’t notice before and reconsider ideas like mapping and sense of place.

This self-authored and personal project gained inspiration from the ‘Instruction Manual’ by Lucia della Paolera and some other artists engaging with the theme of mapping.


I shall be looking really carefully at the typography and how this project can get interesting. The outcome shall be a result of my own primary research, as I will be collecting information and experiences related to a place in the form of text. I shall be looking at typography and how text-based piece of work can be interesting to the viewers. I will also consider colours and fonts. For my research I shall be looking at graphs, maps, lists, poetic text-based projects, public interventions and mapping as art. This project will include manipulated photographs of billboards, as the billboards in public will be in proposal format. I shall also create short videos that show how the billboards are going to work in public spaces.